Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

t oS The Saints Spiritual' prength. I Pet.:, s, rituall Itreugth which is wrought in the fouleby the faving knowledge of the Word , is nothing but weakneffe, therefore the Apoftle faith, I Pet. 2.2. vss new borne Babes dere the &eere milke of the Word , that yee may grow by it : knowledge in the Word will make them grow in Chrift: the con- trary unto this we fee the Apoftle upbraides in the Corinthians , I Cor.3, i. and Fe6; 5.13. becaufe they were weake in knowledge , hee calls them = Cor.3. Babes , for faith bee , Hee that is not expert in the Word ofrighteotifiteffe is aBabe, therefore labour to abound in fpirituall knowledge. I preffe this the more , becaufe I feare many ofyou are weake, becaufe you are ignorant ; you want this fpiritu- all knowledge : you know in our ordinary talke wee count ignorance folly , when a man doth any thing that bee should not doe, or would,not doe, if hee did but underftaud himfelfe; wee fay ,that man is weake in judgement , or it is folly in him: furely this weakneffe in the inward man is folly indeede ; and a man cannot fhew his weakneffe more, than to be weake in fpirituall knowledge; and yet you muff know , that a man may have much knowledge, as worldly knowledge, and the knowledge of divine truths , and yet bee but weake in the inward man : for there is a knowledge of Arts, which fills the braine with knowledge; but the fpirit goes no fur her, thatis, it doth not fan4 uifie that knowledge in the heart a Againe, there is a knowledge of the fpirit, which is an o- perative working knowledge , which goes with 1 this Heb. 5.I ;