The Saints Spiritual'Firength. log this other knowledge,and leads it to fandtification and is pradicall r But yet I fay you muff know before you can be ftrong; there mull be fome pro- portion betweene the ípirituall knowledge, and the fpirituall ftrength : as for example, oneman eats and is fat, another man eats and is 11111 leane; fo fome have as much as others have, and yet are not fo thong as others , and yet wee fay, fatneffe comes by eating ; fo doth the ftrength of the inward man by knowledge : and where the Lord workes by his Spirit, by his Spirit I fay , the moil knowledge ; there is molt strength : there- fore I befeech you, labour for a full meafure of Pa- ving knowledge, fora working, purging, convin- cing, operative, and powerfull knowledge. And this I doe not onely fpeake unto you that are weake,but alfo unto you that are strong; that you be carefull to add unto your knowledge : for what is the reafón that you doe not grow in grace, but beçaufe you are not carefull to add more know- ledge unto that which you have : it may bee you picke force good things from tome Sermon , or good Booke, but prefently you forget it, you doe not make it your owne by meditation , and fo it loth you no good; but if you would be carefull to add unto it ; you would grow stronger in the in- ward man than yQU doe : and here is the mifery of us builders ; other builders when they have built a houfe, the owner lookes to it himfeife, and keepes it in repaire;but when we have done what wee can to build you up in the inward man, and thinkethat you