The Saints Spsrztuall firength. you will put to your hands your (elves, when we are to further the worke of grace, you begin to pull downe your building againe your (elves by your loofc lives : by following your pleafae,your fporting, and gaming, and prophaning of the Lords day. Therefore you 'mull labour to grow in knowledge, if you will grow firong in the In- ward man, The fecond meanes to bee tiled , if you would grow firong in the inward man, is this, you my bee diligent in the ufe of the meanes , as the Wife man faith , the hand of the diligent maketh rich ; as diligence in a calling makes rich,fo where there is much diligence in the %fe of the meanes of grace , there is much ftrength in the inward man,; but no man gets fpirituall f}rength , fave they that are diligent , and therefore this is the reafon, that men are not firong in this fpirituall ílrength; be- caufe like the fluggard , they are not diligent in the ufe of the meanes , they take no paines for grace, I and therefore it is that they get no increafe ; for according unto the proportion of your paines, fo is the inward man f }rcngthened , and as you ufe them more diligently , fo you find the flrength of themmore operative and powerful!: for it is in the foule , as it is in the body ; if you bee not diligent and carefull to feed the body, it will wither and confume away, and grow weaker fo if you feed not the foule diligently and ufe the meanes con - f}antly , you willbreed weakntife in the foule, and the more fecure and remifieyou are in the perfor- mance