The SaintrSpirituall/>rength. iii mance of holy dutyes, the weaker you are : it may J bee you thinke it will not weaken you to neglect private prayer; but omit it once, and it will make you carelefle, and the more you neglc& themore unfit and undifpofed you will finde your (elves So you may thinke you may prophane one Sab- bath, neglecting therein the dutyes required, and ferving not G o D, but your owne Tufts: but belo- ved, it will make you fecure, the more a man doth in this kinde the more he may doe: for this is true in every Art every ad begets a habite, and a ha- bite brings cuftome : fo it is as true in good things, the beginning of good brings manypar- ticular good things , and therefore if you can but get your hearts in a frame of grace, you (hall finde a fupply of grace, becaufe Chrift faith,Who- foever bath , to him %hall bee given: bee that hath grace, and is carefull in the ufe of the meanes by Gods appointment, hee (hall thrive in holinefl"e: for if you but once get the beginnings of Caving grace, and be induftrious, and vigilant and carefull to imploy them, you will in time grow ftrong : you know what Chrift Paid unto the fervant that had ufed his Talent well, he had more given him, fo if you bee diligent in the ufe of the meanes, the inward man will grow Chong : but for the ufing of the meanes obferve there rules. The firft rule, that I would have you ()Verve, if you would have the meanes effeduall, is ,. you muff ufe all the meanés: for ifyouufe but a part of the meanes, you will not grow ftrong : as Q it Role a o