Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Yai The Saints Spirituali is with the body, fo it is with the inward man: a man for the health, and growth of the body, will rife all meanes, labour in health, Phyficke in ftcknefhe, recreation for the whetting of the fa- culty : in a word, hee will ufe every thing that bee may ftrengthen the body, thus you muff doe for the ffrengthning of the inward man, you mua ufe all meanes as hearing the Word, receiving the Sacrament, Prayer, Meditation, Conference, the Communion of Saints, particular refolutions to good,or elfe the inward man will nor grow ftrong: thefe are the food that she inward man feeds upon, it is with the inward man, as it is with a plant, if you would have a plant to grow, then you mull let it in a good foyle, you muff dig about it, and dung it ; but if you be carelefí'e where you fet it. It will not profper and thrive : even fo if you do not adde fatneffe of foyle unto the beginnings of grace; if you doe not ufe all the meanes, as the Commu- nion of Saints, and Prayer, the inward man will not grow ftrong, but wither and dye; you will be dwarfes in grace, and holineffe. The fecond rule, if you would have the meanes effeâuall, is this, you mull looke that you per - forme holy duties ftrongly; for then the meaner ftrengthen the inward man, when thr áre done with firong affections : when hee uf:th them not remiffely and coldly, for remifï'e actions weaken the habit : as for example, take waterthat is excee- ding hot, and put cold water to it, znd you will weaken it : fo perforate holy d: .tyes, and ufe the meanes