Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituali ft rength. 113 meanes of grace remifly and they will weaken the habite to good : it will worke an Indifpotlti- on in the foule: therefore doe them firongly, with much zeale and firong affections, that the inward man may grow firong by the performance of them. The third rule ; if you would have the meanes 3. Rule. effeauall, then you muff bee confiant in the ufe of the meanes, for what is the reafon that there is fo little thriving in grace, that men remaine cripples in grace ; but becaufe they ufe meanes of growth, but by fits, and haltneffe, that is, they are not con- fiant in a good courfe of life, they are íh11 off and on the rule : fometimes the íhot will bee fhort, and other times they hit the marke : they code feldorne unto the meanes, now and then they pray,and now and then they make ufe of the Com- munion of the LORD; this inconrfancy joglges the faculty, and weakens the habite : and therefore it is unpoflible that you fhould thrive in grace ex- cept you be confiant: the Apofile Iarnes cals them ¡ tames ,t.`. unifiable men, let theft never thinke to receive ftrength in the inward man, till they come to more confiancy in good. Therefore labour to bee con - fiant in prayer, confiant in hearing, in meditation, in the Sacrament, in Conference, which if you bee not , you will not grow firong in the inward man. The fourth rule, if you would have the meanes 4. Rule. effe&uall, is this, you mutt take heed of depen- ding upon the meanes without G o D. For know QZ that