Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

g The athout Inke, a Pipe without cvatbr tor apcabe w beid without a fword. The will (} I . Sine. chat the meanes without y not rengthen the inward man without God: for it is the Spirit that puts lire in the meanes, and yet you muff not cut off the pipe from the well -head : youmua not depend upon God without the ufe of the meancs, but you muff ufe both: that is firft feeke to God, and depend upon him for the f}rengthning of the inward man, and wit hall ufe the mean es con. ftantly , becaufe as water is carryed from the Well -head unto the pipe, and fo from the pipe unto many places, fo the meanes are as pipes to carry grace into the foule :' Therefore ufe them, and cut . them not off by careleßèneffe ; if you doe, you will cut off the ftrength of the inward man. The third meanes, if you would ftrengthen the inward man is this, you muß gee rechified Judge - menu : that is, you mil fee that your Iudge- ments are right : för men doe deceive them- felves in their judgements; they thinke that they have ftrong judgements, and that they are able to judge of things, when indeed they are marvellous weak. Now that you may not deceive your felves, I will lay downe fome fìgnes of a reetifyed judge- ment. The firil figne of a reified judgement,is this, you (hall know it by your conftancy : fo much con- itancy in good, and fo much is your judgements re6tified, and on the contrary fo much inconfhn. cie,