Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spiriruall F1rength. 115 'cie,and fo much weakeneífc; as for example,when a man hath propounded a rule unto himfelie, and is not conf}ant in k, it arg.ueth that he is weake in his judgement, becaufe he keepes not dole to the rule ;- or that there are flronger, or more arguments to the centrary, which makes him t'o fall - away, and fit downe from the rule; and hee is thus po(cd,be- caufe hee is but weake in judgement : as fo: exam - ple,,if a. roan fhould come and .proffera man one hundred pound, not to leave filch, an.a ion, and another man fhould come and off:r him two hun- dred pounds to leave ir, if the man ke weake in judgement, hee will bee drawne by the greater re- ward, though it bee evill: therefore if you would not bee beaten,. and made to fit downe by fironger kerning arguments, than you, have indeed in your fare, then you muff get your jadgen entsrecïifi- ed : therfore examine your felves whether your judgements be ratified, which you Ihall know by your conftancy in holy duties : if a little profit or pleafure will .draw you away; whatfoever you thinke of your felves ,, your judgements are 'weake. The fecond frgne, whereby you (hall know whether your judgements are ratified, is this, ex- amine whether your paifionsbe flrong, for ftrong pailions have -weake affeftions unto ,good when the pal ions of a man arc ftrong, they weaken the underflanding, they weaken the will, and the age- ¿ions, as touching the truth, and therefore P41e1 in vSdis ,14.15. when they would havemade him a A.4 14 1 %. 3 god, 2. slgrre,