Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

i i 6 The Saints Spirituali firength. god, hce cries out, We are men fubjed unto paffì- f ons as you are, that is, full of weakenefhe, as if hee fhould fay, your pai ion in this thing proves your weakened% of judgement : therefore labour to have ftrong affections to good, for this ftrength in the affeótions, comes from the inward man. Againe, the ftrength of the affeEtions unto good, dhow the abiding of the Spirit in the foule,as i Sam. it Sam. f I. 6, a z. 6. It is Paid, that the Spirit of the L o R D carne upon Sand, and he was angry : that is, his affe- Ctions were ftrong for Gods glory. In Al's 4.32. After that they were filled with the Holy Ghoft they ieake boldly : they had ftrong affedtions for Gods glory, and therefore the Spirit is compared unto fire and Oyle : Fire, that Burnes and con - fumes, and Oyle that mollifies and foftens, fo doth the Spirit. Therefore examine, whether you burne in the inward man : fee whether you have ftrong affections to good; if you have, you are ftrong, it not, you are weake : and againe, fee what cheerefulneffe you have : examine whether your hearts are loft and tender, and plyable, then it is a ligne that the Spirit is there : it is true, a thong man may have paillon, but it is but now and then, it continues not, it is not alwayes, yet fo much paillon as hee bath, fo much weakened% there is in him : thereforelabour to overcome your paßïons. signe. The third fgne whereby you (hall know whe- ther your .ludgements are retified or no, is this, examine what contentment you have to beare . - ° loffes Alts 4.31. 3.