The Sainti Spirituall ßrergtb. 117 loffes and croffes. I gather this out of Phi/.4.t 2. I can faith the Apofile, want and abound, I can doe allthings through C u t o chat jlrengthsseth mee, examine therefore when you are abuled and reproached for Chrift, whether you can take it patiently, can you bee content to fuffer difgrace and reproach for Chrift; if you can, then it is a figne that you are Throng in Iudgement, if not, you are weake, whatfoever you thinke of your felves. Proverbs 27. faith the Wife man, a wife man is knowne by his dignity, fo I may fay, a manthat is firong in the inward matt, is knowne by his bea- ring of reproch without feeking after revenge a. gaine : this man is fpiritually firong in Iudgement therefore try your Judgements by your contented- , neffe. The fourth figne, whereby you íhall know whe- ther you have rectified Iudgements, is this, exa- mine whether you finde your {elves eafie to bee deceived, i f fo, it is a figne that you are weake in Iudgemen, and therefore this is the argument that Paul ufes unto women, that they !hall not ufurpe authority over the inan, 2 Tim.2. 12. I permit not a woman to beare ,rule, b,ec.<life .Thee was firft de- ceived, thee is eafikr to bee deceived then the man, in the judging betweene good and evil! : as for ex- ample, a man that is weake in judgement is like a childe, and youknow that children will be wonne with Counters, and 'feared with bug - beares; fo if you love the world and the things of the world and are wonne by them, feared with the loíl'e of them, Phil, 4, i a, tl . Signe. a T,rn.a =Z,