Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

118 The Saints Spirituall firength. 5, SigNee II them, you are weake in judgement : Againe, in things that are good in themfeives,if you ufe them immoderately, and then feeke to excufe this by ;putting a.falfe gloffe upon your doing, you are weake in judgement : as for example, in ftudying the Law, the thing in it felfe is good, but if by fill.. dying of it you feeke to excufe you from f}rength- ning of the inward man, that you haveno time and leifure, you are weake in judgement, becaufeyou are eafie ro bee deceived : therefore as you are af`- feaed with thefe things, and as they prevaile with you, fo you may judge of your (elves. The fifth 'figne wht rcby you (hall know, whe- ther your j.:dgeinents are rectified, is this :examine what you are in the times of tryall ; as you arein ehefe;imes, fo you are either ftrong or weake, and fo God efleemes of you ; for God efteemes a man ffrong, as hee is in the time of tryall ; thus hee approved of 4braham; Abraham in the time of tryall was ftrong, and Paul in the time of tryall was fl:rong.; and therefore G o D fet a price upon them; hee prifeth them at a high rate, Abraham is his friend, and Paul is a chofen veffell, and not onely when the temptation is paff, but when the temptation is prefent, then fee your ftrength whe- ther you have ftren th to mailer particular cor- ruptions, if in this time you ftart afide, you have flawes and much weakeneffe in you : you.arelike a broken bow that will feeme for fhow, as well as the bent, but when a man conies to draw ir, then it breakes : fo fome men feeme to bee prong in Chrift