Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

7'he Saints Spiritual ijrength. Chrift till they bee tryed, but when they are drawne then they breake, they have no flrength to withfland fanne; and therefore it is that God `many times fends temptations and of 1iâions to this end to try men, to fee what is in them, whe- ther they are fuch as they feeme to be or no : not that he knowes not before, but becaufe that by his tryall, others may know what they are : And here God makes a difference in tryals, fome are tryed by (mall, others by great tryals, partly be- caufe hypocrites may be knowne, and partly, be- caufe .hee may ftirre up the godly to get more ftrength ; as allo to weane them from depending upon their ovine ftrengrh; therefore in Efa. 4o. 3 o. it is laid, Even the youths that! faint and be wea- ry,that is, he that thought himfelfe to be firong in his oavne apprehenfion,fhall proove weake; And thus much for the third meanes. The fourth meanes, if you would grow ftrong in the inward man, is this, you muff remove the 'recufes and theft hinderances, which hinder the growthjof the inward man, and thele areéfpeci- ally two. The firft hinderance is this , w,heri you Upend your ttrengrh upon other things , and not in the flrengthning ofthe inward min ; this makes you not to grow ftrong in the inward man therefore you mutt be wife to take away from thefe things, and fpend more time, and take more paines in frenthning of the inward man : for this is the I reafort clan you grow not, all your time and of c dons 1 L 4. Meanes. I. Kinde- rance,