Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituali jirength. 151 evil' : and leaving the things that are trucly good. I doe not fay,when you hate good, but when you preferre evill before it in your choife, and fet it at the higher end of the Table, and ferve it fiat, and attend upon it molt, when that croffeth ho- linefTe, but you will not againe crofl'e it for the Love of Chrift ; when it is thus with you, what - foever you thinke of your (elves, you have not the fanäifying Spirit, but a common fpirit without life. Secondly, you have but an afiumed body of grace, ifyou have it not in a feeling manner : the fandifying fpirit vvorkes a fpirituall fence, and rafle in the Soule,that is, ifyou have the fancify- ing fpirit, then holy things will have a good tafle, they will bee fweet unto you, it will purge out that which is contrary to the growth of the in- ward man : on the contrary, the common fpirit will never make you to tafle grace, as it is grace, or becaufe it is grace, that is, grace will not bee a dainty thing, it will bee without a good favour. Therefore examine what tafle of good you have, whether you can rellifh grace, or no; ifnor, you have not the fanhifying fpirit, but an affuwed ha- bit ofgrace, that is, a common fpirit without the life of grace. Thirdly,as affumed bodies are unconffant, that is, walke onely for a time, but they walke not al- wayes ; even fo if you have but a common fpirit, you will not be conffant in good, but offand on the rule. A man that is living in Chrift, you (hall X flill 2. 3.