Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

152 The Saints Spirituati flrength. Bill find him living and moving, and doing the adtions of the new man, a man that hath but a common Spirit,maydo fomethings that are good, hee may keepe and prefíe downe fome Lime a- while,but not alwayes; neither then, becaufe it is finne, but becaufe it crofïeth his profit or pleafure, or fome other thing. Againe,hee may have fore tafte and rellifh of fpirituall things, but hee is not purged and cleanfed by them ; Firft,he may walke as a living man walkes , that is, performe holy duties, but they are not confiant in holy duties, neither doe they performe them in obedience, but out of felfe love, that is,they are Bill ebbing, and feldome flowing, they omit ofter then they per - forme. Therefore let me exhort you that are a- live, and have beene dead,be you careful( to prize your life, and you that have beene alive, but now are dead, that is, you that have faine from your holinefïe, and zeale, and have loft your fiat love, and ftrength, labour now to recover it againe. And you that are alive, and yet are falling, let me exhort you to ftrengthen the things that are ready to die : if there bee any here fuch, let them now humble themfelves, and feeke the Spirit withear- neftnefle,that ye may be renewed, that ye may bee itrengthned, and quickned to good, and received to favour againe, but if you will not,but continue in this condition (till, you have but a name that you are alive,but indeed you are dead Ram. 6.8. Rom.6.8. it is laid that they that dye in ChriiI fhalllive in him, if you pnce live the life of grace, and have recei- ved