Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituals flrength. ved the fanetifying Spirit, you (hall never die but live for ever in Chrift : this was the promife that Chrift made unto his Difciples, and in them unto every Chriftian that he would fend the Spirit,and hee fhould abide with them for ever. Therefore examine, if the Spirit doe not remaine in you, and make you conftant in good,it is not the fan tifying Spirit. The fift figne, whereby you (hall know whe- ther you have the fanaifying fpirit, or no, is this, examine whether it be the fpirit of adoption : if it make you to call God, Father, then it is the fan - F ifying fpirit,Gal.4.6. Wee have received theßirit of doptioz:, whereby we cry Abba Father, this is the property of the holy man; nowicked man can call God Father, becaufe they have not amity with God, they neither love God, neither doth God love them. The Apoftle faith, I doe this to proveor know the naturalneife of your love, they that have the fpirit, they have as it were a naturali inclination wrought in them, to love God againe, and delight in God, and in the Communion of Saints;and therefore our Saviour faith, lohn 4.34. It is my meate and drinke, to doe the will of my Fa. ther : he that path God for his father, will ferve him willingly without conftraint, as willingly as a man will Bate meate. A man will Bate and drinke without wages, hee needs not have wages to doe that, fo he that bath the fpirit, lice will de- light in doing Gods will; hee would ferve God, though he fhould give him nothing, and this that Xz God 153 5. Signe. 031.4. 5.6. z Cor.8.8. lohn 4. ;4