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154 The Saints Spiritual) flrength. God is our Father,it will raife force like affections in us to love God : Againe,fo likewife in prayer, to have God to bee our father,it raifeth forne like affeEtions in us, whereby wee doe not onely be- leeve that the things we pray for, wee (hall have : but we have boldneffe, alto to come unto him, as unto a Father, which no man can doe till he have this Spirit of adoption; Therefore examine,with what confidence and boldneffe you pray , with what reverence you hear; with what affeáions you love; examine whether you have the Spirit, that doth make you to call God Father. 6. Signe. The fixth figne, whereby you (hall know whe- ther you have the Spirir, or no, is this; you (hall know it by the manner of working ; if it change you, and lye combating in you, as Gal.5. r7.7he Gall,. 7. fle/h luiteth againit the (fririt, and the JJirit againfl the flefh : if you have the fpirit you will have a conti- nual) fighting, and (hiving in the Souk, and this will not onely be againfl one,or Come more parti- cular lulls, but it will be againft all that it knowes to bee finne : I fay not, that there is onely a {hi. ving or a fuppreáfiig, but a lulling, or a ()riving and fuppreflîng by way of lulling ; becaufe a na- turall man that hath not the fandifying Spirir, may keepe downe a lull for force by- refpeEls, but it is not by lulling, it is not becaufe his heart hates ir, or fuppreffes it by another power then a natu. rail power; for they retaine the love offiane (lilt: but the oppofition and refilling of hone in the godly,is by way of lulling ; becaufe they hare the finne