The Saints Spiritual" ftrength. finne and they fight- againíl it with courage.There- fore examine, what lulling there is in you, what hating of finne, and then fee with what courage and power you goe about the fubduing of it. It is Paid, that Lohn Baptill came in the Spirit of Eliab, that is, hee came with that Spirit , that is full of power : you will fight but faintly againfl finne, except you have the Spirit. At.4. They fJ'akewith AEts4 14. great boldneffe, that is, they had greater power to fpeake then before, therefore the Lord exhorts all men, in Efa. 31. 3. twit not in them, they aremen ICa.3 I. ;. and not Gods : as if the very name of men were weakenef e, they are men they have no power, it is God that bath power, and therefore trufl not in them, but in every thing labour to fee the power of God in it, and fake for all fpirituall power to come from God , and examine your (elves, what power you have when you pray,what power have you to goe through it to the end, when you heare, what po.ver have you to edification;when you fee evil", what power have you to avoid it, when you are offered the profits and pleafures of the world, what power have you to forfake them if they may groove hurt full unto the inward man; if you have thong lulls in you, what power have you to fup- prefïe and lull aainll them; therefore you (hall know by this, whether you have the fanclifying Spirit or no, by the manner of working of it. The feventh figne , whereby you (hall know, 7. Sags. whether you have the fandifyipg Spirit or no, is this, you (hail know it by your carriage in your X 3 words