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1g6 ROm.6.8. R0111.8.14. Gal. q. 22. The Saints Spirituall f$reugth. words and actions, and by your Chriffian -like walking and holy converfation,and this is the fame that the Apofile fpeakes of, when he would affure them of their refurreáion unto life, in Rom. 6.8. Tfyou dye with Chriff, you (hall alfo rife with Chrf again, if your actions be the anions of the Spirit, proceeding from the inward man, and have fomc refemblance with Chriff, (hewing that you are dead with him , then you (hall rife againe to life with him, and then in Rom. 8. 14. hee comes unto the workes of the Spirit, Tommy, faith he, as are lead by the Spirit of God , they are the formes of God, that is, they are lead unto all holy adtions ; and then he comes, in Gal. 5.2 z. unto the firff fruits of the Spirit: the fruit of the Spirit, is love, joy, peace, &c. well then, examine, whether you have the Spirit by the aeons of the Spirit,and by the wor- king of the Spirit, and by the teaching ofthe Spi- rit: for it is the Spirit , that is the Doctor of the foule, that teacheth it all fpirituall and Paving knowledge , and therefore the Lord faith , yöu (hall not need to be taught of one another,for you (hall be all taught of God ; that is,mcns teaching will never be effeetuall to worke grace and holi- nefïe in you except God teach you by his Spirit. Now you muff know that there is a twofold teaching : Firft, there is a teaching of beans by man , that they may bee ferviceable unto men , which may ferve to put men in mind of this fpiri- tuall teaching; for as God hath put fuch a nature into force beafts , that they cannot choofe but o- bey,