The Saints SpiritMall flrength. bey being taught ; there is a kind of ncceiïìty laid upon them by God in the very infticct ofnature: fo when the Spirit comes into the heart of a Chrilian , it openeth another light in the mind, which makes them to doe Gods will as hee tea - cheth them. And therefore the Apoftle faith, That I need not to teach you to love, for you are taught of God to lovesne another : that is, there is a kinde of neceflity laide upon you : therefore you mutt needs love : I grant that fometimes a theefe may be in the high way,but it is for a booty; and a ho- ly man may be out of the way, he may have flipt afide the way ; but here is the difference , the one Pets himfelfe of purpofe to do evill,but the other is forced unto evill unwillingly, and you (hall know the difference betweene thefe two in thefe things, ifa holy man have gone betides the way, affoone as the paffion or temptation is once paft, hee will return again unto the right way , hee will not goe forward nor ftand fill, but bee will returne : but the other though in tome fence bee knowes it, and is told that hee is off the rule, yet hee cares not he will goe on forward : thereforeexamine, what fruits of the fpirit doe you bring forth, and what way doe you delight in, are you in the way of ho- linefle r Doe you delight to pray, to heare, to re- ceive , doe you love God and Chrift , and the Communion of Saints a then it is a figne that you have the fpirit, but on the contrary if you follow drunkenneffe, and uncleanenefle, and prophaning of the Sabbath and idlenetfe, and goe on here- in, z Thcf.4 g. Amaine diffe- rence be- tweene a holy man, and a wicked man.