Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

lys t King,r 20,2I, The Saints Spiritual) flrength, in, as in your way you had never the fpirit. A- gaine, confider what are your walkes, that is, doe you follow your old evil) haunts, now as fall as e- ver you did, it is a figne that you have not the fpi- rit. Againe, thinke not it will excufe you to fay, whatfoever your attions bee , yet you have good hearts, you muff know that your hearts are much worfe then your akion , as I Paid before ; for if you had the fpirit, it would not be idle in you, but as it makes the heart holy,fo likewife it fends forth holy fpeeches , and aElions unto the life. The working power of the Spirit is excellently let forth betwixt Eliab and Eliza is. In that Flory it is faid,that Eliab eaji his mantle about Elizeus,then prefently Elizeus cryes out, let me goe firft, and take leave of my father, and then I will goe with thee. Eliab might have well reafoned thus with him, what have I done unto thee, or what have I fpoken unto thee, that you fhould thus reply unto mee, as if I tyed thee to the contrary ; laid I any luch a word unto thee,that thou mull not goe: but there was a kinde of neceflìcie laid upon Elizeta by the Spirit to goe with him , and therefore bee brake our into thefe words, that is, the Spirit now entred into-his heart, that he was not now his ovine man , hee mull goe whither the Spirit will have him, and doe what the Spirit bids him, and fo we fee in vlas 4. z o. when the Iewes came to Peter, and commanded that he fhould not Preach Chrift unto them, hee anfwereth, that hee cannot chufe but he mull preach (Thrift: and in the begin- ning