Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spiritual) flrength. ring of the Chapter you fhall fee the reafon of it, They had received the holy Ghofi and they Bake bold- ly : therefore you fee that the Spirit is not idle,but he is marveilous working and operative, therefore examine what power youhave, what a ions you have, and what fruit you bring forth. But you may fay , that fometimes the fpirit feemes to be dead in the heart : therefore it is not alwayes working. To this I anfwer that the property of the fpirit is alwayes to worke , and it doth alwayes worke, but hee may fometimes with-draw his anions of growing ,í as when a temptation comes and you are taken in it: there the fpirit feemes to abfent himfelfe by with drawing his power,but notwith- (landing hee worker í1i11, for at the inflant, there is lufling,and labouring in you againft it , and af- terwards hee gives you power to returne againe. Againe, it is not alwayes thus with you, but fometimes : thus much for this ufe. The next ufe Rands thus, if the holy Ghofl ftrengthens us in the inward man, then let me ex- hort you above all things to feeke the Spirit, becaufe it will doe fo: what would a man &fire either for the outward or inward man ; if hee have the fpirit, he !hall obtaine it, would a man be inabled to pray , would a man bee inabled to beare loffes and crofïes: would a man mafier particular lulls, isa man in bondage, and would bee fet at liberty from finne,is a man fpiritually dead, and numbe, is a man fpiritually affrighted with fanner would a Y man 159 ObjeCt. eítnfiv: yfe t.