The Saints S pirituali flrength. man beraifed to comfort. Would a man beleeve, would a man walke as a Cnriftian man ought to walke, would a man be inabled unto every good; worke, would a man love;in a word, would a man doe any thing that is holy and good r let him get the fpirit , and he (hall doe thefe and much more. Thus much for the generali , what the fpirit can doe for a Chriftian. Now I come unto the parti- culars, what the fpirit willdoe unto them where he comes : and this I will reduce unto thefe foure particular things. The firft benefit is this that a Chriftian gets by injoying the fpirit, that it puts the heart in a good frame of grace : I fay, the fpirit, and the fpirit on- ly doth this : and I fpeake of them that have the fpirit ; it fers the heart in a frame of holineffe, and new obedience, which nature cannot, becaufe it keeper it in fufpence. The flefh fuffereth it not ro doe what it would, as to breake the ftubbornnef e of your nature: the flefh will make you very in- duftrious and painefull in evill, but the fpirit will reftraine your libertie in evill : it will not fuffer you to doe what you would , though the lull and the temptation be violent to carry you away after it, but the fpirit will not fuffer you to be carried after that manner, fo long as the fpirit lives in the heartsbut if once the fpirit depart out of the heart, then he becomes as weake as water: thus it was with Reuben, Gen. 44. Ruben is become of weake, water : and he became thus after he had defiled his fathers bed. When luft and opportunity met toge- ther