The Saints Spiritual) flrength. ( i6t ther they woke away his flrength ; and it weakens as, becaufe it drawes the affediors away from God , but when the fpirir comes , then it catis us intoanother frame ; as appeares , if wee doe but compare thefe two places together, Lames 4.5. Tan,.4s. with 4ël. 20. 2 a. Saint lames faith, that the fpirit Mts 2o.21. lufleth after envy : it labours to carry us head long unto the committing of finne, and to the doing of that which is evil); but then comes the farei- fying fpirit, and it flayes us and makes us to luft after good, that is, it binds up our i;earts, and fuf- fers us not to doe that which otherwayes wee would doe: therefore examine whether you are bound with another fpirit that you doe not the e- vili that you would : then it is certaine that you have the holy fpirit; Therefore Paul in the place before named, faid, that he was bound in the brit for lerufalem : as if he fhould fay , the Spirit of God bound up my Spirit to goe, that I cannot o- therwife choofe,therefore what doe you meane to breake my heart, doe you meane to hinder mee, I tell you there is a kind of necc fill laid upon tree by the fpirir, and I muff goe whatfoever doth be- fall me : for it is the office of the fpirit to bind up our fpirits,and therefore inRevel. r.1 o. It is faid, that John was in the fpirit : that is, he was compaf fed about with the fpirit : he was in the fpirit as a man is in Armour, it keepes I fay our hearts in a fpiriruall d pofition, that it fhall not doe the evil) that it would. The fecond benefit that a Chri(lian bath by the 2. Benefit. Y a fpirit,