t 6z Ifaiah 6. 9, Ieh. t. g. The Saints Spirituali flrength. fpirit, is this, it enables a Chriftian both to fee and beleeve the things that otherwife bee would not beleeve. I gather it from that place of the Prophet, Ifni. 6. 9. where it is laid, feeing they íhould fee, and not perceive , and hearing they fhould heave, and not nnderfland : they law but they wanted another fight, which is the fight of the fpirit, and there- fore they cannot fee : a man may have great fight in humane things by learning, and Philofophy and the knowledge of Arts and Sciences, by thefé he may fee both into naturali and fpirituall things in fume meafure: but I fay hee cannot fee as hee lhould , except bee have added unto this another fight, which is the fight that the fpirit brings ; and therefore it is called the opening of the eyes , and the boring ofthe eares, and it is the fame that St. John fpeakes of, in Ioh. y. That the light _thine in darkeneffe , and the darkne%f è comprehended it not : before a man have this fight of the fpirit, what - foever he fees,yet it is with a great deale of darke- nefíe, but when the fpirit comes, it drives away this darkeneffe, by giving us another eye to fee thorow ir. c 4nd the darken ffe comprehended it not, fo that till a man have the fpirit, he doth nei- ther truely fee, nor beleeve. You cannot beleeve till you have the fpirit, but when you have got the fpirit, then you will beleeve in Chrift. Wee preach Chrift unto all and exhort you to beleeve, but what is the reafon that Tome beleeve, and o- thers beleeve not , but becaufe they doe not fee; they want the fpirit to Phew them finne, to hum- ble