Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituall flrength. I63 ble them, and Chrifl to comfort them :and there- fore Peter calls them purblind. As men that are purblind cannot fee things a farre off; except they bee neere, fo men without the fpirit are but pur- blind, men that cannot fee Ch rift, and Grace, and, Salvation a farre off, as neere : but if they had the Spirit, then they would fee them neere hand, that is, you would fee a marvellous beauty in Chriíl, and holinefk : it is that which the Apoftle fpeakes of, in i Cor. 2.9. The eye bath not feene,év. that is, I C01.2..9. he faw them before, but bee faw them not in that manner hee fees them now , they are reprefented unto him in another fafhion. Againe,he fees them in another hue, hee fees another beauty in them, thus you fee the fan 1ifying fpirit openeth the eye of the underftanding, to fee mote. A blind man might fee if hee had but the faculty of feeing, fo a fpirituall blind man will fee when hee bath the fpirit. The third benefit, that a Chritlian bath by the 3. Benefit. Spirit, is this, it breeds heavenly and fpirituall e` felts in the foule,as joy,and comfort,and the like : and therefore in Iohn r 4. he is called the Comforter. roh. z$. z6. Firfl, I fay, the Spirit will beget joy in the foule, r. and therefore faith Chrift , hee will (fpeaking of the Spirit) lead you unto all peace, and joy in be- leeving: now I make a difference betweene joy and comfort thus; joy is unto the foule,as a wall is un- to a Citie, the wall doth compaffe the Citie, and fo is a defence for it, that is, it keeper pettie dan- gers out; fo doth joy , it walks and fences the Y 3 foule,