Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

164 2. 3 4. Can 1.7. 5 I COr.7.II 6. The Saints Spiritual) flrength. foule, and keepes out many enemies, that other- wife would deiroy it. ( 2.) effect is comfort, and this I call a Bulwarke : becaufe a Bulwarke is of greater ftrength to beate backe, and keepe out any that fluff befiege it, and makes the Citizens more fecure; fo comfort is the Bulwark of the foule,a- gainft the greateft temptations and tryalls, it makes the foule fecure,refting upon Chrift.(3.)ef- fek, that the Spirit be gets, is boldnefl'e, tht is, there is no true boldneffe without the Spirit: Let Aldan; witnefl'e ir, aske him what boldnefie he had when hee hid himfelfe from God, and what was the reafon ofit ; but becaufe hee wanted the Spi- rit, and on the contrary, when the Difciples had received the Spirit, they fpake with boldnefïe. (4.)effed,that the Spirit begets,is, holy and hea- venly defires in the foule, therefore the Church in the Canticles, when Thee had got the Spirit, Thee had bred in her loving defires after Chrift, as in canticles r. 7. the is marvellous inquifitive where to finde Chrift ; for what is the reafon that there is in men filch a want of holy defires.: but becaufe, they have not this Spirit.(5.) effect, that the Spi- rit begets is holy indignation,that is holy anger,it is an effect of the Spirit,and therefore the Apoftle faith,in 2. Cor. 7. t z. what indignation or wrath, this he fpeakes in the commendation of theCorin- thians, men will not bee angry with Jinn as evil!, till they get the Spirit. (6.) effeû of the Spirit, is holy affelions ; it will make you to have hea- venly affe %ions to God, to grace, to the Saints; therefore