Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spiritual) flrength. therefore the Lord faith, Ezech.36.26. Iwillgive you a new heart : carnali men, they may doe f ome- thing to make theirchildren reverence them,or to love them, in regard of fome domination, they may proffer an objed; but they cannot beget ho- ly affedions, this is the onely worke of the Spirit thus to change the heart. (7.) effedt of the Spirit, in this, it will purge the foule, it will aft out all rubbifh out of the foule; therefore the Lord faith, that he will purge the fonnes of Levi: au filver, that is,that they may be fit for the Priefthood,hee will purge out of them by the Spirit, that which otherwife would make them unfit. And David of- ten in Pfal. S r. verf. 2. 7. prayes that the Lord would purge him , wall) him, and cleanfe him from his finne, and then after bee prayes, for the reftoring of the Spirit, making the abfence of the Spirit, thecaufe of his uncleanneffe (S) effe of the Spirit,is this,it kindles holy affedions to good in us. I Paid before, that the holy Spirit workes holy affedions in us,but now I adde that he kind - leth thofe affedtions in us to good, and this is that which gives us great advantage againft finne,I fay, wee have no (mall advantage of the divell, but great aduantage,when the heart is full of heavenly affedtions,and that for there Reafons. The fiat Reafon is, becaufe the more holy affe- dìions the better man, God accounts more of him : a man is efteemned of God as hce bath, or bath not holy affedtions ; a man is that which hee is in his affec`,ìtions : a man is not a good man, Ix:- caufe i65 Ezek.36. 26. Ma1.3.3 s. Verle so. Verte 12. S. T . Rèaf n.