Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

too 1 The Saints Spirituell flrength. by the profecution of his decree , both of Elei- on and Reprobation ; nothing more free then the Spirit is ; hee might, as I Paid, have chofen Efaa and not tacob ; for there cannot a reafon be given, wherefore hee fhould chufe the one, and not the o- ther, he will choofe the wife and not the husband, hee will choofe the husband and not the wife, hee will choofe the childe and not the father, and hee will choofe the father and not the childe : again; he will choofe this man and that woman, and not another man, or another woman ; and what is the reafon of it, furely there can beno reafon given of it, but becaufe the Spirit is free to choofe and choofe not : thus briefely I have (hewed you that the Spirit is a free gift. Is the fpirit a free gifr,and doth it worke freely, then let them confider this and tremble, that are not fanc`fified by the Spirit; and in whom the fpi- rit hath not yet wrought his good worke, leaft they may feeme to be deprived. Againe, if the wind bloweth where it lifaeth , then it hands you upon, to doe as Millars are wont to doe, to watch the opportunity , and grind : if the Spirit Both blow upon you , if at any time the Spirit doth kindle any fparke of grace in you , take heed of neglecting the opportunity : doe not fay in this cafe unto the fpirit, as Fe.Ftau Paid unto Paul: that you will heare him another time; but bee lure, it the fpirit commands doe you runne, or if he calls be lure to anfwer him, leaft bee call you no more. i have often told you, that there isa time when he will