172 The Saints Spiritual] firength. l I. 2. you know them not : and therefore let us compare them together, and you (hall fee that they are the fame,and al one,and that in thefe three particulars. Firft, Simon (Aragus thought that the Spirit might have been had at any time, for he negleóed the meanes,and defpifed thar,prefuppofing that at any time with a fmall reward hee might get it of the Apoftles; What fhall I give thee, &c. Even fo when you put offche fpirit, is not your finne the fame, thinking that you may have him when you will, that you can have him at your pluafure to mortifie a ftrong luft, a finne that you would be rid of : and for a finne that is pleating unto your nature, you can when you will fubdue it, you can when you will forbeare it ; and is not this one part of Simon Magus his finne. Secondly, Simon cítitagres thought it was in the power of men to give the Spirit;What (hall I give thee,Peter, for the Spirit : and is not your finne the fame r doe not many men thinke, that it is in the power ofmen, to give the fpirit when all the time of their life they will neglea the ailing of the Spirit; but in force great affliction, when they lie upon their death -beds, then they will fend for the Minifter, but not till then; as if iz were in his pow- er to give the Spirit O Sir, What (hail I doe to be faved; can you tell mee of any hope of falvati- on, and the like. Thirdly, simon (Magus, bee defired the Spirit to a wrong end, namely, for his owne advantage, That upon whops oever I fhalllay my hands, they may receive