The Saints Spiritual! flrength. j 173 receive the holy Ghofl; and doe not men do the like': they delire to have the Spirit, and they could with with all their hearts,that they had him;but yet not for a right end, for Gods glory, but for fome car- nali end of their owne, that they may bee reputed thus and thus, but not to any other end. For know that a man may defire grace, but if the aime of his delire be for his owne end, the delire is lime, the I` fame that Simon (Map,' was : therefore I befeech you deferre not, put not cff the opportunitie ; and remember what the Lord faith Neb. 3.15. today ` Heb.3.t5. ifye will heare his voice harden not your hearts : this is the day ; now you have the opportunitie, the candle is in your hands, and you may light your foule by ir, the Word is neere you ; Well , light your candles by it, you may now light them whileft the fire is here, but if you will not now, how will you when the candle is our, when you íhall be either taken from the meanes, or elfe the meanes from you, therfore labor to know the fpi -1 rir,and judge aright of him, if you would get him. The fecund meanes to get the fpirit is to believe, 2..Meanes. and the belt meanes to gee faith is to be confciona- ble and conftáne in hearing the Word preached ; the preaching of the Word, is a meanes to get the fpirit, and therefore the Apoftle faith, re- ceived you the Spirit by the workes ofthe Law, or elfe by faith preached ? Gal. 3. You may know whether you have the fpirit or no by this,examine whether you have gotten faith by the preaching of the Word, our Saviour faith, that the tree is knowne by M;,tth,, a.3;. his