The Saints Spiritual) flrength. 175 then other of the Prophets were : even fo if you would but defire and pray earneftly for the Spirit, you might get him. Salomon dcfired wifedome, and prayed for it,and he had it and that in a larger mature, then thofe that went before him; fo if you would pray for the fpirir, you have his pro - mife, Luk. r r. 13. That bee will give the Holy Ghofl unto them that aoke him : and this hee doth fpeake by way of oppofìtion , if you that are evill can give good things unto your children , then much more will God give you his Spirit ; that is, if a man will be importunate for grace, and the fpi- rit,as a child will be unto his father for breard,then he cannot deny you. But you will fay, if he were my father, and I his child, then it is true he would give me his fpi- rit,but alas he is not,for any thing I know, neither my father, nor I his child. To this I anfwer,fuppofe thou be not his child, in thy owne apprehenfion , yet looke backe unto the 8. verfe and fee what Importunitie Both, though hee would not open the doore, and give him that which hee would have, yet in regard of the importunity of him that asketh, he will open and give him what he would have thus doe you though you may have a deniall fometimes, no anfwer at all, or an angry anfwer, yet take no de- niall, and your importunity will at laft prevaile with him : and to incourage you againft former runnings out from God,the Apoftle faith, that he giveth and upbraideth no min, lames t. 5. As no A a man t L uk. I I. i;. 06jeö. A,fw. lames 'Sr,