iy6 The Saints Spiritual! firength. Aft. t.4. 4. Meaner. man meriteth at Gods hand, fo no man (hall bee upbraided with any failing to fhame him; he gives unto all men that comes unto him, without ex- ception of perfon, without any gift freely, and reproaches no man, that is, he will not lay before him , either that which might hinder him from comming unto him, or him from receiving of him, he might doe both, but he will doe neither, and you know the promife; the Difciples, they muff goe unto Ierufalem. and he will after a cer- taine time fend the fpirir; but they muft waite for him, and this they did by confiant prayer, and they had the promife made good unto them, for the holy Ghoft came upon every one of them, in LACIs 2.4. fo if you be confiant in prayer, what though for the prefent you get him nor; yet,at lait you fhall have him; thus much for this meanes, ifyou would have the Spirit, you muft pray and &fie him earneftly. The fourth meanes to get the Spirit, is to obey him ; and this you doe,w hen you make him good entertainment, when you feed him with heavenly thoughts,and doe what he would have you to do, but if you flight him,fet light by him,and will not obey and be ruled by him,you will never get him, and this you doe when you refit, grieve, and quench the fpirir ; you refit the fpirir, when you refit that light which the fpirir hath wrought in you, when you ght againft it, againft its reafon and arguments , this is a great finne; you grieve the fpirir, when you mingle two contraries together,