179 CPAVLS CONVERSION. A c Ts 9. 6. eitnd he trembling andafßonifhed, raid, Lord, What wilt thou have me to dee ? And the Lord fail unto him, arife, and goe into the City, and it (hall be told thee what thou muff doe. <e ` %/A, '9 N this verte wee have the firft s ad of Pauls conveifion from being a perfecutor to be an A- poflle. In the words, there are two parts. The firft is the man- ner of it he trembled, and war a- floniJhed : Secondly , the :ply - ableneffe of his will, and bee raid, Lord, what wilt thou have me to doe : but before we come to any aabfcrvations, we will open the words unto you. [Trembling.] Trembling is an effect of feare, which feare is feared in the áfEdive part of the foule: for when the underffanding apprehends any thing 1.