18o Pauls Converfion. 1 Obfervatâois. Gen.j.to. thing whether good or evil], then the affetions come and apply it, either unto joy or forrow. Now the. affections may bee confidered either in regard of good or evil] : in regard of good, and that either prefent which breedeth joy ; or future, and to corne, whence Howes def re: for defre is of force good, not prefent, but to come. Secondly, I fay , the affe1ions may be confidered in regard ofevill,and that likewife either as prefent, which breeds forrow, or to come whence flowes abo- mination, or an affe Lion, by which we flye and fhunne this evill. Againe, if a man apprehends the good which is to come, as poffible, though hard to be obtained, this breedeth hope. And fò, if the evil] be apprehended as future, and hard to be fhunned, it worketh feare. And this was Pauls feare, he apprehended afflié} ion, as comming, and hard to be avoided ; the fudge as terrible,and that there was no way ro efcape, and therefore bee trembled. He was in great perplexitie and feare , after that the Lord had fhowne unto him a glymple of his dreadfull power. Whence wee may fee, That nothing will fo much dejetl a fanner, f? when be fees the fearefull power of God. When there is acrevis opened unto him, whereby het who is a firmer fees into the holineffe and the puri- tie of God, and the vilereflê of his owne narure, hence he feares ; and therefore it was that Adam feared, when he heard but the voice of God in the Garden : and the Ifraelires could not endure the pretence of God , becaufe that it was terrible unto