Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Coroer,fion. ißt unto them. For they conceived as the Scripture fpeaketh, That no man couldfee God and live : that is, fee him according to the excellent greatweffe of his power, and majefty,but it would utterly over - whelme them, fo that there fhould no forger life remaine in them; whence was their feare. [And afionifhed].This is another effeä of feare, or a further degree of it: bee apprehends fuch a fight of the power of God, and of his ovine e- fiate, that is, this light did fo thine into his foule, that hee was at a non - plus , not knowing what to doe,or how to efcape. Now there are three things that make an aftonifhment : Firif, if the danger bee fudden, for elfe it will not altonifh, for that which is knowne before, will not caufe aftotifh- ment. .Secondly, if it bee great, for a fmall evill wil not attonifh a man,butwhen a man apprehends a great evil! prefent , then he is aftanifhed at it. Thirdly, if it be inevitable : when a man is com- pafled about with it, that he cannot get out; there is no doore to efcape, but he mutt needs abide it, hence proceeds an aftonifhment : thus it was with Paul. It was fudden, a light fhoone; it was great for he perfecuted Chrift, for which he was ftruc- ken downe; and it was inevitable, he law no way to efcape : it is hard for thee to kicke againft the pricker, that is,it is in vaine for thee Paul to fet thy felfe againft me and prevaile, there will bee no re Lifting without great danger: thus when hee law no way, by no shift toefcape, then he was aftoni- fhed.I might note many doc`rinesfrom the words C c but Three things caufe Afta- nilhment. I. 2. 3. A &s g.4. Verte 5.