8z Del-trine. AAts 2.37. Ezech.36, 26. Ifai.¢t.t. Pauls Converfion. but leaft I fhould be prevented in the maine, I will therefore omit them, and come unto the proper point intended by the holy Ghoft,which is this. That who foever will receive Cbrill, and be ingra f_ ted into him,and receive the Golbel as bee ought to doe, be mull be frfl humbled : I fay,it is neceffary for the right receiving of Chrift, that a Chriftian bee humbled. It isa neceffary condition, becaufe no man will receive Chrift till then : till hee bee cad dowse, Chrift will not bee prized,grace will not be efteemed ; and then hee will fee a neceflìty of Chrift and holinefie. Now that humiliation is of fuch neceflîT, wee will prove by Scripture, even by thofe phrafes, by which this humiliation is fet forth. Firft, it is called a pricking of the heart, vllIs z . 37. And when they heard it, they were pricked in their hearts ; they had then broken hearts, they were thorowly humbled, and when in was thus with them,then they can inquire after Chrift,what fhaIl wee doe to bePaved; and on the contrary, that which keeper men from Chrift, is the want of found humiliation, in Ezek. 36. 26. I will take a- way the /íony heart out ofyou , and I willgive you a heart of f e/h (that is) till I have made you fenfi- ble of fznne you will not prize mee, that is, you will not doe it till you be humbled. Againe,con- Eider that Chrift came to this end , to revive the humble firmer, Efa. 61. I. the #iritofthe Lord I's come upon mee, to preachglad tidings to the meeke, to binde up the broken hearted, bee that is not broken hearted