Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Con'verfion. 183 hearted and wounded with finne, will not Cede to the Phyfician to be healed, Chrift is no precious balme unto him. He feeles himfelfe not a prifoner to finne, and therefore cares not for the libertie that is in grace, becaufe Nee is not broken hearted, but if he were throwly humbled,it would be farce otherwife with him. Secondly, it is called pore in /birit, in (Matth. Macch2. S3 3.thofe who are broken hearted and mourne for .s'3. finne, will fake to bee inriched by Chrift, and therefore Chrift promifes to comfort thefe, in Efa.6r. comfort thofe that mourne : thole that Ifai.61. z. are thus fpiritually poore, and mourne for the want ofgrace, fhall have comfort, becaufe I am come to this end ; the contrary to this you (hall fee, in Revel. 3.17. the Laodicians, they thought Revel.3. s7. themfelves to be rich wanting nothing, and there- fore they fought not after Chrift, but thou art poore,and blind,and naked : the way to make thee to come unto mee,is to humble thee m the fight of thy fpirituall povertie. Thirdly,it is called a melting heart,that is,fuch 3: a heart, as will take any impreffion ofgrace, this we fee in the 2.Chron.34.27. Becaufethy heart mel- I a Chao. ;4zr tedwithin thee,and thou humbledJl thy felfebefore me, that is, becaufe thou waft thorowly humbled, and thy heart fenfible of finne, and of the ludgements that I would bring upon thy people, therefore I I have heard thy prayer : if thou hadíl not beene humbled, thou couldeft not have fought to have I made thy peace with mu: fo in fer. 3 I. 19. after jeren,,3,,. gyp. C c 2 that