Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

184 Pauls Cotrbergon. Hofca 4.16. Ifaial 66. t. Iob 42.5.6. Prov.28, 14 Gea.3.8. i8. that T turned, 1 repented and after that I n' infirm. tied, I [mote upon my thigh, I n ee afharned. So that till a man bee humbled, hee will not turne unto Chrift, but when hee is humbled, then hee will feeke unto Chrift and be afhamed of himfelfe : the contrary to this wee fee,in Hof a 4, r6.Ifrael is lake an untamed heifer : viz,becaufe thee was not hum- bled. Fourthly, it is called a trembling at the Word, Ifai. 66.2. and lob 42. 5.6. I have heard of thee 4 the hearing of the care, therefore T abhorre my fel fe, &c. that is, when I heard thee in thy Word, it much humbled mee, and caufed mee bafely to e- iteeme of my felfe, and highly to efteeme of thy favour.Prov. 3 8. 14. Bleffed rs the man that feareth alivayes : the contrary to this is bardneffe of heart, when the Word wants this effe t to humble men, they feare not at all. Now that this humiliation is a necefïhry con- dition, will appeare more apparantly and fully, if we doe but confider Gods dealing with men in all ages : I fay, it is the courfe that God himfelfe takes;6rft,to humble (inners. Thus he dealt with 4dam, Gen. 3.8. When bee heard the voyce ofGod,he trembled andfeared : and thus bee dealt with the children of Ifrael, hee fhowes unto them but a glimpfe of his power at the delivering of the law, and they were much cart downe. Againe, this was the courfe that the Prophets ufed : when they came unto any people, you (hall fee they firft pro- nounce the judgements of God againft them:Tbus and