Pauls Converfion. 185 and thus faith the Lord, &c. throughly to humble them ; and then after they preach of mercy, and the loving kindneffe of God , of the readineffe of God, to receive thofe unto mercy, that are tho- rowly humbled. Againe, this was the courfe that john tooke, he came in the fpirit of Eliah : with fharpe words pronouncing heavy judge- ments againft thofe that remained impeniten r : and therefore tiPtatth.3.7. he calles them, o gene- ration of Vipers, who bathforewarned you to flye from the wrath to came, &c. And all t his to humble them, becaufe he knew they would never receive Chrift, nor prize grace till they were humbled. Againe, this was the courfe that our Saviour tooke, in zob.4.3 t. with the woman of Samaria; firft he humbles her , and then hee comforts her, that is, firLI hee makes her conictíè that Thee was a firmer, and then Thee believed; and therefore hee faith, I am not come to call the righteous, but (inners to repentance, to wit, to make them fee their finnes, and be humbld for them , that fo they may flye unto God for mercy. Againe, this was the courfe that the Apoftle Peter tooke, Atis 2.37. fiat hee humbles them, and then after comforts them ; fo Paul, as 24.26. when hee preached of Iudge- ment, Fcelix trembled; and fo likewife in the three firft Chapters to the Romans, Paul preacheth mat- ter of humiliation : in the firft Chapter, hee tax - eth them with their Idolatry, bringing unto their remembrances particular lodgements, which the Lord inflicted upon them for it : in the fecond C c 3 Chap- nizttt,.3.,. lohn 4.31.