Pauls Cotr erfion. Chapter, hee brings them to the Law , in which they fo much boaifed of, and makes a compari- fon betwixt the Gentiles and them; that howfo- ever they thought hardly of the Gentiles,yet they were as bad as they were : and then hee prooves in the third Chapter, that wee are juflified by faith without the workes of the Law, and this he doth to humble them; and then in the reif of the Chap- ters hee preaches of Iuffification and Reconcili- ation by Chriff; becaufe men will not receive Chriff, till they bee humbled. And thus,I fay,hu- miliation is the firft ffep to happineffe,and the firff beginning of grace and bringing to Chriff; and therefore it is, that wee generally labour to hum- ble men in preaching of the Law , and then after perfwade them by the promifes to come unto Chriff, becaufe men care not for Chriff , they e- ffeetne not of him , they finde no need of him, till they be humble: therefore if you would receive the Gofpel, and Chriff offered in the Gofpel ; if you would be ingrafted into Chrift,then you muff labour to bee humble. But for the more full ex- plaining of this thing , fome queffions are to bee anfwered , which will make plaine what this hu- miliation is , and what a neceffary condition it is unto falvation. The firff queffion is this, 'pen what ground, or for what reafon is humiliation fo necefary unto falva- tion ? This will be the fooner anfwered,if we doe but confider; what to that which make; men keepe Backe from