Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. from Chrift, there are two binderances that keepe men from Chrift ; the irfl is unbeliefe, and the fecond is a neglect of Chrift : unbeliefe that was the finne that kept men from Chrift in the fill age of the Church, in the e.ilpoltles times they believed nor that they might bee laved, that is, they would not believe that the Mc íffiias wa4 come in theflefh : but now in the fe- cond eftate of the Church, fuch unbeliefe is not the caufe that keepes men from Chrift, neither which we labour moli to convince men of för they doe generally believe the Gofjbel, but our labour now , rs, to draw men from the negleí7 of Chrift : wee preach Chrift generally unto all , that whofoever will, may re- ceive Chrift; but men will not receive him, till they bee humbled , they thinke they hand in no ! need of Chrift, they care not whether they have him or no: they prize him not, they looke upon him a farre off,they wil not have him for the fetching : now Chrift will never be received, till hee be pri- zed above all things,and this men will not doe,til they be humble : humiliation it it bee found, will give a man fuch a fweet talk of Chrift and holi- nef %, and fuch a bitter tafte of finne, that nothing will fatisfie him but Chrift : this will make his heart pant after grace,and when the heart is in this cafes then Chrift will be prized and not before : but this men will not I fay doe, till they be hum- bled. It is true, God can come in the hill and foft winde, that is, hee can give Chrift and the Spirit without this condition, and he may likewife make men fit to receive the Gofpel without it, but bee will i87