188 Gal.3.z4. Romq.y. uk.i5.16,i7 I. Pauls Cott,erron. will not, therefore hee will come in the rough winds, that rends the rockes : hee will firft hum- bly men, and make men fit to receive the Gofpel, and Chrift by the Gofpel, before they flail( have him, and therefore it is laid, that the poore receive the Gofpel, that is, thole that are broken hearted receive Chrift tendred in the Gofpel , becaufe they are thorowly humbled:for this carafe allo we Preach the Law to bring men to the fight of their fianes that they may bee humbled ; and therefore it is called, a Schoole- mailer, to bringua unto Ghriff; the Law fhewes unto men the fiafulnefle of their nature and their indifpolition : z had not knowne finne (faith Paul) but by the Law, that is, I had not knowne finne as (inne, to humble mee, if I had not looks into this Glafï'e; if I had not beetle taught by this Mailer, and this is that which makes men file unto the Citie of refuge, that is, they will not mane unto Chrift till they bee humbled : this wee fee in the Prodigall, Luke 15.16, 1 y. hee would never Roe unto his father , till bee could fee no meases to efcape; and then hee takes a refolution to goe; fo a (inner will never receive Chrift nor the Gofpel till hee bee humbled. Now there is a two -fold neglet, the firit is a totall, the fecond is a particular neglect. Firft, I fay , men negleEl Chrift totally, when they refute all the offers of grace, when they will not have Chrift upon any condition: they will not fpeake when the fpirit cals, they will not believe that they may be Paved; thefe are the fame with them