Pauls Converfion. them in the Golpe11, That were invited unto the marriage : they excure themfelvas, they have other imployments,that they mull Tooke unto ; let chrifl and grace goe where they will, both farmes and Oxen, and wives mull frfl bee looked after, that is, they minde earthly things more then Chriii : aedi f Chrìfl will not bee had without they leofe the love of theft, they will not corne, they know the feafl wad ready, but they mind it not : and this is the condition of many menin the world, they will not come in within the lies of the Gofiel , leafs they fhould bee catcht with the hooke : though they generally beleeve, yet they will not out - wardly profeffe Chrift : this is a fearefull condition if they continue in ir, bee hath fworne that they fhall never enter into his refl. The fecond is a partiall negle& , and this is when they make a mixture both of the love of the world, and ofthe love of Chrift ; they minde Chrift, and grace, and holineffe, but they winde them not altogether, that is, they would bee con- tented to doe fomething for Chriff,. but they will not doe all things, it may bee they will forfake a little profit, or pleafure, or vaine glory, or cove - teoufneffe, for Chrift, but they will not forfake all. There are like the three grounds. oken of in the Ge el , the fill ground received chrt.Ft , but they would not profe¡fe hire : fo many men will be con - tented to beam the Gofpel , but they will not profeffe Chrift, becaufe they are not thorowly humbled, or if they doe chance to profeffe; yet they will not continue: the reafon why the feede D d in F89 2.