Pauls Cotr erfion. I 191 mutt bee humbled before grace will grow : and therefore,this is the eff d, that humiliation works when the heart is humbled: hee will not part with Chrift for any thing in the world. There- fore you fee upon what ground humiliation is ne- ceffary , becaufe men will not receive Chrift till they be humbled. The fecond quettion, is, whether humiliation is (imply, and abfolutely neceffary. To this I anfwer, that it is not (imply , and ab- folutely neceffary, for it is not a Pimple grace, and therefore not neceffary on Gods part. But it is a condition required on our parts , becaufe we will not receive Chrift till we be humble. I fay, it is not a Pimple grace, or limply neceffary. For that which a man may exceed in, is not (imply necef- fary : but a man or woman may have too much of it,that is,he may exceed in the meafure, he may be over humble : and therefore Paul writes unto the Corinthians, 2 COY. 2.7. That they /hould comfort the incefliou4 perfon, leaf! hee fhould bee fwallowed up of griefe : now that which is a limple grace, a man cannot have too much of: hee cannot exceed in it ; as for example , a man cannot have too much faith, or repentance, or love, fan tification, &c. but the more hee bath of thefe, the better : now, howfoever it is not (imply neceffary on Gods part, becaufe he can fave men without it, yet it is a ne- cdlìry condition, on our parts: and in regard of as, becaufe we will not receive Chrift till we be 1 humbled. And therefore it is, that we Preach the D d 2 Gofpell dZise. a. vinfir. a. z Cor.z.7.