Revel.z 2.17. Pauls Cornoerfion. Gofpel generally fometimes, fametin:es with the condition, as in yuatth. i r.28. Come unto mee all that are weary and heavy laden, and 1 will cafe you: till men doe feele firne as a heavy burthen, they will not come unto Chrift to bee eafed of ir. A- gaine, in Revel.22.17.whefoever is a thirst, let him come and take of the water of Life freely : except they firft be a rhirft , and finde they Rand in need of Chrift, they will not come unto him to bee re- frefhed. Again; fometimes it input without any condition, except faith : Revel.22. and whofoever will, let him take of the water of Lif e freely, that is, whofoever bath adefire to come unto Chrift,' let him come and hee fhall have him without any ex- ception of perfons or condition, Flee that belee- veth fhall bee Paved, andhee that beleeveth not fhall bee damned: bring true, faving,purging,working, Iuftifying faith,and thou (halt have Chrift and fai- vation, where there is no mention of humiliation. For there may wee know, bee feedings, without plowing, and there may bee plowing and yet no fowing, and lowing and no reaping,fo I y,there may bee faving and fandifying grace wrought in the heart without humiliation ; and againe, there may be humiliation and no true grace at all, or ge- nerall graces, but not fpeciall and Paving graces : but the way to make us fit to receive grace is to be humble. A man may be faid to receive Chrift by a common light of knowledge, and hereupon doe many things for Chrift ; but yet he will not take Chria for his King afwell as a Saviour,except hee be