Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Converfion. 193 be humbled , he will not take Chrift fo, as to bee ruled by his Lawes, and to live under his Com- mands,he wil not rake him with loffes and croffes, ditgrace and reproach ; till hebe humbled, he will not indure reproach; he would becontent to have Chrift, but if Chrift mutt coil him all that, then Chrifland he mutt part; but when a man is tho- rowly humbled, then he will part with all things for Chrift, nothing (hall be fo deare and precious unto him, as Chrift will be, if any thing come in Competition with Chrift, hee will refufe it for Chrifl:thus you fee that humiliation is a neceffary condition on our parts, though not a Pimple grace. The third Qeftion, is this, whether there bee 3: ,uef. any kinds of humiliation more then one. To this I anfwer, that there is a two -fold for- An[iv row :the firfl is a preparative forrow ; the fecond is a godly forrow, The preparative forrow, is . nothing elfe but a forrowing for litre, as it cau- fech puni(rnenr, or a forrowing for fume Judge- ment likely to enfue, and pronounced againfl him, but this is not the true forrow : a reprobate may have this forrow, which (hall never be faved ; this was the forrow of raw, , and Cain, and cíhab : they forrowed, but it was a falle forrow, onely a worke of the fie(h : it bath his originali from na- ture, its objeCt punifhmenr, and its end delpaire :, but the fecond is a godly forrow, filch as the Apo 111e fp:eakes of, in i Corinth.7.7. that worker repen i Conk. . tance not to bee repented of , that is, it turnes the U d 3 heart 1