194 Pauls Converfian. heart to God, it takes away that flintie difpofition of nature, by the conveyance of grace ; it makes the heart better, it brings it into a frame of obe- dience, it workes a willingnefï'e in it to good, fo that the difference of them lyerh, in this ; the one is outward,but the other is inward;rhe one is from grace,the other is from temporali things ; the one is a worke of the flefh, the other is a worke of the fandifying Spirit : the one will make a man flye unto Chrift,becaufe of our wants,(as in the exam- ple of the Publican : efpecially in the Prodigall fonne, hee never feekes unto his father, till hee bee thorowly humbled : then he concludes, I will goe unto my father :) the other will fet and pufh a man further from God, this wee fee in Cain and radar, their forrow made them runaway from God : but this godly forrow or humiliation never reas till it bring a finner into the pretence of Chrift ; and when the foule is in Gods prefence, then it will never ref}, till Chrift have made its peace with God : but as I laid, the nature of the worldly for - row,is to drive a man further from Chrift. Adam had this forrow : he runnes and hides himfelfe. A carnali man will forrow , either for fome prefent Iudgement upon his perfon, or elfe upon his fub- ffance, but it will not turne the heart , that will not worke a ply able difpofition in the heart, to yeeld obedience out of love, in hatred to (inne;but on the contrary, that hardneth the heart the more, even as water hardneth Iron when it is hor,bur this godly forrow workes other effeels : therefore the Aponte