, Pauls Converfion. Apotile faith, I was glad that you were forrow - full, becaufe it wrought repentance in you, that is, it changed your hearts: fo much for this queftion. The fourth queftion is this, whether there bee 4, Qeft. any difference betweene the godly forrow, and that which is falfe. To this Ianfwer that they r. In the Objec`.ì. 1q fw. differ in three things efpecially. z In the Caufes. 3. In the EffeFìs. The firft difference is in the objet : the object r: of worldly forrow , is the punifhment of finne, the wrath of God, het lookes upon thefe without any relation to Chrift : but the objei ofgodly forrow is finne, as it funds in oppofition with the love of God towards him in Chrift, and how - foever a regenerate man lookes upon the punifh- ment , . yet in a different degree, not fo much be- caufe he fearer punifhment as that hee fhould give his father fuch caufe, to take fuch difpleafure a- gainft him : but it is finne that he principally lookes upon,viz.that hee bath difpleafcd fo good, fo gracious a Father as God hach beene unto him, and this is that which workes humiliation in him : but the other fees the wrath of God, and hell, death, and that finali feparation betweene him, and happinef e, and hereupon for feare of punifh- ment he is humbled : Thus you fee the difference in the objects. The fecund difference is in the caufes 5 the caufe 2. of the worldly forrow; is either force judgement prefent, either upon his perfon, or in his fubitance, or