Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

111.71.1111.11111k--..MIMIMAIIIIII,. 3 N7 < O f I +kT 1flSs7.m l roroeii Ö /7aetb/YPÒDLI MSOY.i ic`ÿa?'+$4Q4,.tre /3;rY3o ls.ao0`/oN-6q\Il/!n lM ñl a^gxae;u41warg .., "44"aa sH+ . µµ,r Wáÿ+v' 7.5'b'\ì.! l /4a.ij.a: s2nul. /!o6i S a 4-a, gx A BRIEFE COLLECTION OF THE principal.' Heads in the enfuirag Treatifes. Part, T. Drci. I. F_¡7lmilistion muff goe before j asf#ificatiori, Pag. 6. Two things in Humiliation, 8 Alfiaf I.. In reference to ?unification, I z Real. 2. In referen,ce tö Sant7ification;13 vfe I; To laböür for.Humiliation i7 Five helper to Humiliation, 24 vfe. The bell men thould labour to be Humbled, Doti. z. The nature of man is . full of all Vnrighteoufne_e, and Vflied- 3 line f(e, 1 Mans nature evidenced to be Po by the Lan, - 3 2, Original]. Sinnc, 7 The corruption of the únderflan- ding, in five thins, 4o The corruption of the will in foure things, 45 The corruption of the Memory ,in two things, 49' The corruption of the Confcience, in three ais of it, 5 The corruption of the Senfitive appetite, 54 The corruption of the Afeîíions, tuall Sisants;'' S9 A 64 Mans Nature fheyved eö be cor- srupt by the rule of the Gofpell, 1I. `Ù f i The ignorance bfthofe that kn iw not the corruption of Nature, tifs 2. 73 To Labour to prize Chrift the more, 75 A Vfe3.