196 Pauls fon'i erfion. íor in his family, or elfe it is tome judgement that the feares Godwin inflidt upon him hereafter ei- ther in his riches, or in his credite and reputation amongfl men : and therefor, for feare of theee he is humbled. But the caufe of godly forrow is the apprehen- fion of finne, as it is contrary unto the nature, pu- rity and perfeCtion of God, as alfo of Gods love towards a man ; he hath an eye given him where. by hee fees into the riches of Gods love unto him, and thenrefleâs upon himfelfe, and fees his car- riage towards God for filch mercy,and finding no proportion betweene them, hence growes his for - row that hee fhould thus requite God with finne for mercy. The third difference is in the effects, for as they doe proceed not from one and the fame ground : fo they bring nor forth the fame, but contrary ef- feEts, and they are three fold : Firfl, worldly for - row, it drawes the affedtions of the heart from God, becaufe they fee him as a Iudge, they cannot love him as a Father : he takes God to be his ene- my, and therefore doth what bee can to flye from him, becaufe hee expei}s no good from him, this we fee as before in Adam, Cain and ludae r but the godly forrow, it makes a man cleave falter unto Chrifl, to flicke faller unto grace, it whets the aifè Lions, to love Chrift, toprize Chrifl more, it workes a willing readinc-tfe in the foule to obey, it puts by that which would make him flye from Chridl ; Secondly, worldly forrow, it hurts the